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Bagolino (Bibliografia)


Balini, M., 1998. Taxonomy, stratigraphy and phylogeny of the new genus Lanceoptychites (Ammonoidea, Anisian). Riv. It. Paleont. Strat., 104(2): 143-166.


Balini, M. 2003. The Proposals for the GSSP of the Ladinian stage: pros and cons of a complex choice. Comment circulated among members of the A/L boundary working group and Albertiana, 28: 48-53.


Balini, M., Gaetani, M. & Nicora, A., 1993. Excursion Day 2: In Gaetani M. (ed)., Anisian/ Ladinian boundary field workshop Southern Alps - Balaton Highlands, 27 June - 4 July 1993; Field-guide book. I.U.G.S. Subcommission of Triassic Stratigraphy; 43-54.


Brack P., Rieber H., Nicora A. & Mundil R. ,2005. The Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Base of the LADINIAN STAGE (Middle Triassic) A proposal for the GSSP at the base of the curionii zone in the Bagolino section (Southern Alps, Northern Italy). - Episodes, 28 (4): 233-244. (cum biblio)


Brack P. & Muttoni G., 2000. High-resolution magnetostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic correlations in Middle Triassic pelagic carbonates from the Dolomites (northern Italy). Paleogeogr., Paleogeoclim., Paleoecol., v. 161 (3-4): 361-380.

Brack P. & Nicora G. (1998) - Conodonts.


Brack, P. & Nicora, A., 1998. Conodonts from the Anisian-Ladinian succession of Bagolino, Brescian Prealps (Brescia, Lombardy, Northern Italy). Giorn. Geol., ser.3, 60, 1998, Spec. Issue, ECOS VII- Southern Alps Field Trip Guidebook, 314-325.


Brack, P. & Rieber, H., 1986. Stratigraphy and Ammonoids from the lower Buchenstein Beds in the Brescian Prealps and Giudicarie and their significance for the Anisian/Ladinian boundary. Eclogae geol. Helv., 79: 181-225.


Brack, P. & Rieber, H., 1993. Towards a better definition of the Anisian/Ladinian boundary: New biostratigraphic data and correlations of boundary sections from Southern Alps. Eclogae geol. Helv., 86: 415-527.


Brack, P. & Rieber, H., 2003. Proposals for the GSSP for the base of the Ladinian Stage: Comment. Albertiana, 28: 54-55.


Brack, P., Mundil, R., Oberli, F, Meier, M. & Rieber, H. 1996. Biostratigraphic and radiometric age data question the Milankovitch characteristics of the Latemar cycles (Southern Alps, Italy). Geology, 24(4): 371-375.


Brack, P., Muttoni, G. & Rieber, H., 2001. Comment on: ʻMagnetostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Middle Triassic Margon section (Southern Alps, Italy)ʼ by P.R. Gialanella. F. Heller, P. Mietto, A. Incoronato, V. De Zanche, P. Gianolla, G. Roghi [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 187 (2001) 17-25]. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 193(1-2): 255-257.


Brack, P., Rieber, H. & Nicora, A., 2003. The Global Stratigraphic Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Ladinian Stage (Middle Triassic). A proposal for the GSSP at the base of the Curionii Zone in the Bagolino section (Southern Alps, Northern Italy). Albertiana, 28: 13-25.


Gaetani, M. (ed.), 1993. Anisian/Ladinian boundary field workshop Southern Alps - Balaton Highlands, 27 June - 4 July 1993; Field-guide book. I.U.G.S. Subcommission of Triassic Stratigraphy; 118 pp.


Kozur, H. & Mostler, H., 1994. Anisian to middle Carnian radiolarian zonation and description of some stratigraphically important radiolarians. Geol. Paläont. Mitt. Innsbruck, spec. vol. 2: 39-255.


Mariani, E., 1906. Alcune osservazioni geologiche sui dintorni di Bagolino nella Valle del Caffaro. Rend. Ist. lomb. Sci. [Lett., Ser. 2], 39(14): 646-653.


Mietto, P., Gianolla, P., Manfrin, S. & Preto, N., 2003a. Refined ammonoid biochrono-stratigraphy of the Bagolino section (Lombardian Alps, Italy), GSSP candidate for the base of the Ladinian Stage. Riv. It. Paleont. Strat., 109/3: 449-462.


Mietto, P., Manfrin, S., Preto, N., Gianolla, P., Krystyn, L. & Roghi, G., 2003b. Proposal of the Global Stratigraphic Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Ladinian Stage (Middle Triassic) - GSSP at the base of the Avisianum Subzone (FAD of Aplococeras avisianum) in the Bagolino section (Southern Alps. NE Italy). Albertiana, 28: 26-34.


Muttoni, G., Nicora, A., Brack, P. & Kent, D.V. 2004. Integrated Anisian/Ladinian boundary chronology. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclim., Palaeoecol., 208: 85-102.


Nicora, A. & Brack, P., 1995. The Anisian/ Ladinian boundary interval at Bagolino (Southern Alps, Italy): II. The distribution of Conodonts. Albertiana, 15: 57-65.


Nicora, A. & Brack, P,. The conodont distribution in upper Anisian - Ladinian successions (Buchenstein Beds) with ammonoid control in eastern Lombardy and Giudicarie (Southern Alps, Northern Italy).


Pálfy J. and Vörös A. 2003. Quantitative ammonoid biochronological assessment of the Anisian-Ladinian ( Middle Triassic) stage boundary proposals. Journal of the Geological Society; v. 160; no. 2; p. 271-284


Vörös, A., Budai, T., Haas, J., Kovács, S., Kozur, H. & Pálfy J., 2003. GSSP (Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point) Proposal for the base of the Ladinian (Triassic) A proposal for the GSSP at the base of the Reitzi Zone (sensu stricto) at Bed 105 in the Felsöörs section, Balaton Highland, Hungary. Albertiana, 28: 35-47.


Vörös, A., Szabó, I., Kovács, S., Dosztály, L. & Budai, T., 1996. The Feloörs section: A possible stratotype for the base of the Ladinian Stage. Albertiana, 17: 25-40.